M&A advisory specialists vest your integration strategy with success
A merger or acquisition is a relatively quick way for a company to grow. It is also potentially risky for the acquiring company. That may be why around 10% of all merger and acquisition attempts in large companies fail each year. AVGI’s specialists provide outstanding M&A advisory services to acquiring companies and third parties. AVGI’s qualified and experienced business intermediaries perform research, communicate, and discuss mergers and acquisitions to the finest detail to help clients close their deals confidently.
Our M&A advisory provides expert and reliable sell-side advisory services to help selling companies get the most value possible from mergers and acquisitions deals. AVGI also offers premium buy-side advisory services to help the acquiring firm negotiate the best price for the target company. AVGI can also facilitate the merger process and ensure everything runs smoothly. AVGI’s deep background in valuation means you have the tools to perform merger and acquisition transactions confidently so that your business emerges stronger and more valuable.
Advantages of Choosing AVGI as your Sell-Side M&A Advisors
Help Identifying Ideal M&A Investments for your Business
AVGI can help an acquiring company identify a target company to merge with or purchase for the most efficient and profitable outcome. We can also assist sellers with selecting the ideal acquiring company with our M&A consulting or as part of a larger parallel exit planning strategy
Full-scope sell-side advisory
AVGI assists the selling company in maximizing the business’s value and, thereby, the profit of the sale. We offer value enhancement services to make your business worth more in preparing your business for sale. We also assist with Initial Public Offering (IPO) readiness.
Mergers and acquisition negotiating
AVGI’s MA advisor expertise can help get more favorable terms and enable you to sell your business at the highest possible price. We conduct Vendor Due Diligence (VDD), a financial review of a target company object on behalf of the seller. Any pertinent issues that are relevant to potential buyers are aired and addressed in advance of the sale.
Valuation Services
The market knowledge of the mergers and acquisitions advisory helps you discover to whom and when it is most profitable to sell a firm. We also irrefutably calculate the most accurate and empirical selling price for our client’s company. Market the target company to buyers by showing substantiated evidence of the firm’s worth backed up by real number work.
Who’s who in M&A
Knowing people is extremely helpful when selling or buying a business. Link up to valuable industry contacts through AVGI MA advisory:
- We have business connections with lenders, equity sponsors, and investment banks.
- We will collaborate with your CPA and attorney for business integration.
- We maintain friendly connections with private equity & investors, legal professionals, and wealth and financial advisers.
Advisory firms are unbiased and impartial sale or acquisition professionals who support the sides in the deal, from the due diligence stage until after signing the agreements, including post-closing adjustments.
AVGI’s Buy-Side M&A Services: 5 Major Benefits
Although platforms exist that connect a seller company with an acquiring firm, using M&A services means that you have a specialized advisory at your side to consult on all aspects of the deal. Having an M&A advisor means having an ally who will guide and support your decisions as an acquiring company in buying target companies.
1. Establish a value proposition
AVGI’s buy-side analyst will calculate and project the value of the target company you are considering buying. As an advisory firm, our goal is to reduce and limit the risk of the unknowns about the acquired firm. After performing due diligence, AVGI’s valuation experts project profits and risks decades in advance using sophisticated and accurate valuation modeling. Our accurate and empirical projections will give you the confidence to close the deal knowing you’ve made an excellent business decision.
2. Buy-side finance
Our M&A advisors provide connections and opportunities for firms to raise capital for transactions related to M&A. As an M&A advisory firm specializing in value, AVGI accurately projects the increased value of your company after the deal to present to investors. Our empirical value calculations can help present your company in the best light and allow you to raise the capital to make the purchase. Financing acquisitions through cash, stock, or assumptions of debt are common, as are combinations of these options.
3. Buy-side M&A advisory
Advisory firms conduct market research about target companies that are worth buying. AVGI’s MA advisory helps acquiring companies conduct directed discussions with the target company’s board to examine every facet of the target company. We analyze how to apply the capital to purchase securities or companies for sale. Our industry experts advise on whether the deal is a financially sound and profitable.
4. M&A due diligence
Advisory firms confirm claims made by the seller. AVGI’s MA advisory ensures you have full awareness of the target business you are considering merging with or acquiring. When one company acquires another company, it’s crucial to examine the company resources, including consulting skills, education, training, management of company information systems or telecommunications systems or other systems purchased, systems planning, development, integration, and vendor support.
5. Buy-side analysis for M&A
AVGI’s independent buy-side MA advisory provides an objective analysis of a proposed deal’s financial aspects, and fairness and solvency opinions from the point of view of one or more of the parties to the transaction. A newer trend is when a small private company is the object of an acquisition transaction through hiring. This is when an acquiring company hires all the main talent in the private company for the purpose of effectively taking it over. This simplifies the business transactions as there are fewer legal issues to resolve before reaching an agreement.
What makes AVGIs M&A advisory services unique
Every transaction is in essence a valuation, whether the two parties are conscious of it or not. In most cases, the buy side and the sell side are oblivious to the issue that a deal is adverse to one or both sides. Including a professional appraiser as part of your M&A team is the only way to ensure that both parties are fully conscious of the actual value of the proposed transaction.
- AVGI’s professional valuations facilitate the transaction. Often buyers and sellers argue about the price of the target firm without an understanding of what creates value or how to measure it. AVGI’s accurate and empirical company appraisal leaves no room for doubt about the value of the company in question.
- AVGI’s valuation for M&A advisory protects you from
- Paying for an overpriced target company
- Receiving too little as the acquired firm
- Losing out in stock-for-stock mergers
- An unfair share price for the target companies’ shares
- Inaccurate valuation in a share purchase agreement
- AVGI’s M&A experts understand appraisal models. A valuation model provides a common language for buyers and sellers when discussing a target firm. It allows yo to base your negotiations on a sound valuation model and reduces or eliminates arguments about price. The dialogue progresses to discussing assumptions of the model. The M&A transaction dynamic progresses from a win-lose problem to a win-win resolution, which saves a lot of time and stress for both parties.
- Our M&A advisory firm handles deals of all sizes. Where investment banks cater to M&A transactions for only very large clients, AVGI performs M&A services for firms of all sizes, including middle-sized, small businesses, and start-ups. In addition, success fees for investment banks can be several million dollars – especially if the MA advisory is a blue-chip investment bank. Choosing AVGI as your M&A advisor means potentially lower success fees, and the deal may be quicker, easier, and less costly to negotiate.
Pre-Market Preparation for merger proceedings, for partnership formation, for purchase or sale, for issuance of stock, Value enhancement - increasing the value of your business.
Going to market
Base negotiations on a sound valuation model
Negotiation using the language of valuation. Sell your business at the best possible price.
Closing - on good terms, with clarity and accord, secure in the knowledge that the deal was well researched, due diligence was performed, and the agreed-upon price is honest, accurate, and fair.
John Pullen, Ph.D.
Daniel H. O’Connell, Esq.
Peter F. Burns, Esq.
David P. Beeson, Esq.
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) both refer to the joining of two companies to create synergies, where the combined company offers something that the individual companies couldn’t. Although both mergers and acquisitions involve economic transactions, the way it is done and the resultant entities, differ. When two companies cease to operate as separate entities and join forces to create a new, stronger entity, sometimes issuing new shares, it is known as a merger. When one entity takes over another entity altogether, and the target company operates under the parent company’s name, it is known as an acquisition. Whichever transaction you choose, make sure to hire an expert M&A advisor to avoid a transaction failure through devaluation, poor communication, or unsuccessful integration. AVGI M&A services can help you avoid common costly mistakes. Contact us for a free constulation.
A merger and acquisition strategy is known as an M&A strategy, in which one business entity buys, sells, or merges with another entity. Two companies may choose to do this as a way to grow rapidly and attain a leading edge in a competitive market. By identifying the specific goals of the business integration, each of the companies involved can pursue the driving idea that will push the deal forward. When considering an M&A deal, you should consult a professional M&A advisory firm to develop a strong M&A strategy for your company and ensure that you buy, sell, or combine businesses in a fair, legally sound, and profitable manner.
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) consultants form the kernel of a mergers and acquisitions advisory.
Mergers and acquisitions consultants discuss business strategies with businesses that plan to grow through strategic financial acquisitions. The M&A advisory provides guidance to the buy side and, more frequently, the sell side (usually private companies) via valuation models and assists with executing the transaction. The advice of M&A advisors is invaluable because they can see further than the immediate business integration. AVGI’S M&A advisors, in particular, have a strong background in valuation, which allows us to accurately project whether companies will develop into productive ventures or expensive failures. M&A advisors can also help either side of the deal make the most of their merger, acquisition, or capital-raising opportunities.
The M&A experts want the transaction to be a win-win situation for both the target business and the acquiring company. M&A advisory firms charge a success fee, which is a contingent payment to M&A advisors for their role in the deal as the advisory firm. The tools used are the negotiation skills and three different valuation methods that are used to arrive at a value – these are the discounted cash flow, asset-based valuations, and the multiples or comparables method. The mergers and acquisitions expert calculates future cash flows and puts an accurate value on other intangible assets such as workforce know-how and intellectual property.